2107 7th Street SE • Puyallup, WA 98372
Helping Your Small Business Grow

October 28, 2024

PayPal Payments

Thank you for reviewing our on-line payment option. We have done extensive review and testing of the PayPal system, and have found them to be very reliable and secure. You will have further opportunities to cancel this transaction on the following pages.

Pay as You Play

To begin, please include both your Company and Invoice # you are paying in the field below. Then tell us the amount of the invoice before proceeding to the secure PayPal website.

All funds will be accurately applied to your account providing you give us your company name and invoice number. We will both receive an email from PayPal confirming payment has been successfully made.

If you have any questions about this process, please call or e-mail us, or review the PayPal help system.

One-Time Payment

Company Name
(i.e. ABC Accounting / 301234)
Invoice Total (###.##)
4% Fee (Invoice Total * 4%)
Amount to pay (Invoice Total + Fee)

Subscription Payments

All subscriptions are based on a full month starting on the first. Therefore, any amount outside of the standard monthly payment (i.e. setup fee, partial month) needs to input in the Additional Payment field.
Start Date
Company Name
Monthly Additional
Payment $      
4% Fee + +
Totals = =